Wednesday, August 15, 2007


And again I return to this truth. I am holy. You, brother, sister, are holy. The tax collector of my Pure post is the beginning point of faith and relationship with Jesus, not our perpetual state of being.

'... the issue is my learning who this person is who God keeps insisting I already am. There is this person who we already are in God's eyes. And we're learning to live like it is true. This is an issue of identity. It is letting what God says about us shape what
we believe about ourselves. This is why a shame has no place whatsoever in the Christian experience. It is simply against all that Jesus is for. When we stumble and fall back into old patterns, we call them what they are: old patterns. Old ways. Old habits of the old person. Something new is happening inside us.

...The point isn't sin management. The point is who we are now. Often communities of believers in the New Testament are identified as "saints". The word saints is a translation of the Greek word hagios, which means "holy or set apart ones". '
Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis)

The Jesus we follow, who takes us into the Father's presence and brings His love to us, is the Jesus of my post Oops! - He believes in us, has cleansed us, is over our sin, has refreshed the image of God in us, has chosen us and set us apart for great things. Knowing him is the goal of our walk, not sin management (as Rob Bell says).

'Walking toward him is walking away from sin.'
(So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore, Jake Colsen)

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