I believe in mystery.
Neither is my writing exactly post-modern: I don’t believe that truth is a human construction, I try to find answers and structure.
I believe in absolutes.
My writing is a blend of each because I have lived through both eras. I’ve been both informed and left guessing by both kinds of Christian spirituality.
If we trust the words of the Bible where it says that God's words are truth, that Jesus is the way, that Jesus is the truth, etc. – then that trust can become an anchor for our reality, for our faith, morality, worldview and philosophy. And a trustworthy anchor at that...
But comprehending God (and therefore The Truth) is a lot like getting a good look at a solar eclipse; it can’t really be done.
Oh you can look at the eclipse through the correct frosted glass, but that’s filtered then, isn’t it? You can use a viewing box like the one in the picture below but then that’s only a representation of the eclipse, as is a photo, video clip or painting. (To look at it fully - to truly see it - would cause permanent damage to the seer.)
We will never fully know God while in our present form; but we can know him. And it’s to this pursuit – the knowledge, no, the knowing of God – that this blog is dedicated.
I'm all for absolutely mysteries, Pete, bring it on...
Another blog to add to my daily reading/must comment list.
Steve, them blogs keep on multiplying don't they?
Hey everyone else, Steve's blog is worth a visit! Go see him at http://themolks.com/
See... that's better already!
vlimkk - Markk's alien name...
ah pete, mysteries, yep...breathe life into my 3jobs-n-study-nutso lifestyle at the mo. bring it on!
peace out
back to my study day.
vlimkk eh? That is a strange one. I see you've brought the word verification humour to this blog as well!
Markk and Molks, what are you doin' bringing your private jokes onto my site? ... a sanctified site no less!
(Alright, alright, I'm just peeved that I don't get it...)
Pete, it is merely the sacred tradition of giving definitions for the word verification jumbles of letters, such as jxbfgaf.
As seen on the comments at Sarz's blog.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I get it.
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